Impact is a not-for-profit social enterprise, based in Leeds, focused on improving children’s mental health. We are commissioned by the local authority, CCGs and grant funders to provide a range of specialist psychotherapy services for children and young people aged 0 – 25 and their families with wide ranging complex needs in a variety of settings, including Children’s Centres, primary and secondary schools.
We are different because of our training. Psychotherapists are extensively trained to deal with a wide range of social, emotional and mental health difficulties enabling our clients to be secure in the knowledge that they are getting the best possible treatment. Our collaborative approach also means that we place the child at the centre of our work, liaising closely with a whole range of professional agencies to ensure an integrated service tailored to the needs of individual families
TheMental Health Crisis
Figures from NHS Digital, Mental Health of Children and Young People, Summary of Findings (2018).